Tuesday, May 19, 2015

California Beach

On Friday, we went to Herimosa Beach with our friends, Brooke and Steve Cowles. His brother has a house on the beach, so it was nice to bring the kids back for lunch and naps. This is the beach that my mom grew up going to, so it was fun sharing that with her. It started off a it cloudy and chilly, but after naps, the weather was great and the water was warm (at least for this Oregonian who is use to cold water). We went boggy boarding, built sand castles, flew a kite, walked up the board walk, and enjoyed some yummy tacos and ice cream. Maggie loved the sand but was a bit scared of the water. Sam was just frustrated about how challenging it was to walk on sand and resorted to chilling on the board and just eating the sand. It was a great day.

1 comment:

Nicole and Garrett said...

Your family is do adorable