Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Too many hours in the car

We left last Friday for a week in Oregon. We picked the most perfect week to go. The weather has been in the 80's and we got to be at church when my Dad was released as bishop. Well, we did all 11 1/2 hours in one day. This is how it went.

Notice Sam's leg? I think it is freaking adorable how he uses his leg to prop up his doodle pad. 

Holy cow, Sam is a genius. He just turned two and he drew this all by himself. It is hard to see but there is a head with two circles in it for eyes.

When you get bored eating your trail mix, you start putting it between your toes.

Jamming it out to "Shake it Off"

I think we it that threshold around 10 1/2 hours. Sam was getting loosey goosey with his feet. Good thing they were both so tired that it was funny.

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