Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Our Target Trip

After many phone calls, we decided that Target was going to be our place to go for the big event-registering. Everyone has warned us that when they register, they almost called off the engagement or broke an arm or two. I don't know about Mike, but I was sort of excited to see our "true selves" to come out this night. What great stories are we going to be able to tell our kids about our registering adventure. We had a rough beginning with the bedding. I think that every girl will side with me in saying that the bedding color and texture is very important in establishing the mood for your apartment (especially with an apartment like ours which that is pretty much all there is room for, a bed). However, after we chose that, it was pretty much smooth sailing from there. Until the end. . . Mike wanted to register for a HD TV and a Xbox 360. I am telling people that he was joking about it, but I don't think he really was. But, all in all, we are still together so hopefully that accounts for something.

1 comment:

Professor Price said...

sorry still lame. You need more to your blog. I have high expectations for you.