Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Festival of Colors

Earlier this month, we went to the Festival of Colors at a Hindu temple in Spanish Fork. Getting there was an adventure in itself with witnessing an accident, stuck in traffic, and finding a parking spot. There were hundreds of people at this temple. We could walk around inside (bare foot of course) and watch and belly dancer preform these traditional Indian dances. Part of the festival was to burn the demon on the stake. Once they lit it, everyone threw their colors in the air. For two whole mintues, we were consumed in a cloud of pink, green, orange, and purple dust. I wanted to throw up. It was awesome. I think the gross part was that the red paint would get up your noses and make your snot look like blood. After the paint throwing was done, we dared to eat the food. We could recongize rice and some sort of spinach, but that was it. The rest was a mystery and sure tasted like one. Before we took off, we had to visit the llama. I don't think I can describe the excitement that was running through my viens as I was watching the llama. Overall, it was a successful trip. Maybe we will try this again next year, but only if there is going to be a llama.

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