Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our Happenings

First of all, I hate coming up with titles. Especially when my post is a hodgepodge of things.So, sorry for the lame title.

Here is a video of why parents don't need to buy many toys. Kids will always fine better things.

I don't know if nesting has kicked in this early, but I have had the desire to finish all my unfinished projects. Here is our new growth chart. I have wanted to make this for a while. We won't be able to settle down for many years to come, but I didn't want to miss out on seeing our kids grow.

Maggie started nursery!!! You can see her name third from the bottom. As soon as she saw the balls, she took off without even saying bye. Mike really enjoyed being able to listen to the lessons. Sundays are better for all of us now.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Labor Day

We were able to spend Labor Day camping in Palo Duro Canyon with some friends. It was so much fun to be outside. Weather was nice. No fire bans. It was just what we hoped for. Mike had been gone the whole week before, so it was really nice for Maggie to have a ton of Daddy time.

We found a horny back lizard-Maggie was not a fan.

We've hiked the main hike before, so this time, we just took a nice walk along the river (more like a riverbed since it was the end of summer).

I was amazed at how green it was down there (no Oregon, but it was still refreshing).

Jake brought his lizard catching contraption. I guess he went on a lizard camp out where he learned how to catch them and identify them. I was impressed.

Our campsite.

Maggie was in heaven. Dirty and sticky all day long.

The next day, we went into Amarillo to visit the zoo. Maggie's favorite were the snakes.  

I am literally two feet away from the tiger. I could have stuck my finger through the gate, but I got scared. As small as the zoo was, it was pretty incredible how close you can get to the animals and the lack of employees to tell you not too.

Feeding the goats and shoving her hand into their mouths.

After the zoo, we headed over to the McClellan's house for lunch and naps. I want to take Maggie to the splash pad before we went home since we don't have one in Lubbock. She loved it, of course.

It was such a fun weekend. Mike started Internal Medicine the next day and has been so busy ever since. I'm glad we could have a break while we could.