With Monday being a holiday for me and Mike taking a test in the morning, we decided to make a trip up to Amarillo for the day with several other med students and their families. I am not sure that I was suppose to go that far this late in the pregnancy, but who cares. It was so nice to get out of the island of Lubbock and see something new (though Amarillo is pretty much the same town as Lubbock). Driving up was insane. The wind was so strong; Mike thought it was worst than driving in a snow storm. One of our friends saw a semi truck lift off the ground two feet. Nuts!!!
Our first stop was the Amarillo zoo. At first, it looked like the place was closed because there were no cars in the parking lot and boards were over the admission windows. Oh great, I just had four other couples drive two hours for nothing. I decided to walk up just to see what was going on and sure enough, it was open. And free! We were the only ones there. Now, this zoo is nothing like the Portland zoo. It was pretty much a step up from a petting zoo. They did have a few lions, black bears, tigers, and monkeys. Overall, it was a success.
Me in the reptile house
Mike enjoying the monkeys (the one time we saw an employee was the time that I tried to hope the monkey fence to touch the glass. Good thing I am pregnant; you end up getting away with a lot).
Some of the guys in front of the black bear.
These girls are some of my good friends. I am glad they made it (Mariah, Brooke, Me, and Abby)
Next stop was the Cadillac Ranch. Some guy was wanting to be artsy, so he planted 10 Cadillacs into the ground. They are open to the public to paint.
It was so crazy to be out in the middle of a field painting these cars.
Sadly, it took a lot of effort for me to get up there.
Mike is a natural tagger.