Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our Happenings

First of all, I hate coming up with titles. Especially when my post is a hodgepodge of things.So, sorry for the lame title.

Here is a video of why parents don't need to buy many toys. Kids will always fine better things.

I don't know if nesting has kicked in this early, but I have had the desire to finish all my unfinished projects. Here is our new growth chart. I have wanted to make this for a while. We won't be able to settle down for many years to come, but I didn't want to miss out on seeing our kids grow.

Maggie started nursery!!! You can see her name third from the bottom. As soon as she saw the balls, she took off without even saying bye. Mike really enjoyed being able to listen to the lessons. Sundays are better for all of us now.


Amy said...

Congrats on Baby #2 and yay for nursery!

Rachel & Darrin said...

Enjoy the nursery before the next one comes because the cycle starts all over again :)

Erinn said...

I'm glad to hear I'll actually get to enjoy church again some day.

Matthew and Katherine Kerr said...

Nursery already??? Wow, the time is going by so quickly! I hope she does well in there! I don't feel like I get anything out of church anymore because all my focus is on keeping a baby happy/entertained/quiet.