Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Two Months

Maggie turned two months yesterday. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Some of her latest developments are cooing, smiling a lot, standing with us balancing her hands, spit bubbles, and sitting up with some support. She has incredible strong legs and neck, but her arms are weak, so I think that it might take a while before she can push herself up on her tummy. At her doctor's appointment, she measured 22 inches long and 11 lbs and 12 oz. Our doctor said that this next month, we will really start to she her personality, which is perfect timing for visiting family.

**This picture makes her look fat, but it shows a bit how social she is. She loves to smile and have "conversations" with people.
Josh and his three boys adventured out to Lubbock for a quick visit. It was really nice to have them here and play with them. It was at the beginning of a new unit for Mike so he was able to come with us to a lot of the activities. We went swimming at their hotel swimming pool, played at a couple of different parks, played board games and ate good food. Thanks Josh for driving all the way out here.

**Please realize family that although Maggie is a good eater, these pictures make her look so much bigger than she actually is. But I won't lie, she does have some fat cheeks which we love.

Drive In

One nice thing about Lubbock is the Drive In that is opening year round. Going there is like a flash back to the 50's. Families will come early so the kids can play on the playground and order dinner from the diner. Even the ads were the same ones that were playing in the movie Grease with the dancing hot dog. A couple of weeks ago, we went with some of the first years to watch The Avengers. It was a lot of fun.

This is my good friend Brooke who is amazing with Maggie (not that Maggie fusses any). Whenever we get together, Maggie loves to go to Auntie Brooke.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

To make other moms feel good about themselves

Since we found out that we were expecting Maggie, I have kept a journal with all the latest stories and development. I thought that I would share a story from last night, so show my brother Josh, that although we do have an easy-going child, it is not all sleep around here.

"We love you very much and think you are perfect, but there are some nights where you are pushing that line of perfection. The last two days (5/17-5/18), I went to friends houses so two of your afternoon naps were cut short (you have a hard time staying asleep in the heat). I didn't think much of it when you fell asleep at 7pm for the night, oh but what a bad idea. You woke up at midnight to feed, but both you and me fell asleep in the rocking chair for an hour (though not the best sleep). I finally woke up at 1 am to realize that you had ate, so I woke you up and feed you for 45 minutes. Then I spent until 2:30 trying to get you to stay asleep. Finally you slept for a half hour, but at 3 am, you decided it was morning. I had your dad give you a bottle so I could sleep, but my mind was so full of thoughts that I couldn't go to sleep. There is no point for both of us to be up, so I took over. We chilled on the couch downstairs watching House while you laid on my legs kicking your legs against my chest. Finally at   5:30 am you fell asleep. You woke up for a few minutes at 7:30, but went back to sleep until 9:30. I guess you redeemed yourself. Lesson Learn: Afternoon naps are very important."

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Finding Comfort on Rainy Days

Today  was a rainy day, a rare occasion in Lubbock. Maggie thought that it would be a good day to cuddle up in her favorite swing (thanks again Laura and Catherine) with her bunny (thanks Grandma Price).

I feel bad that I haven't posted anything about Mike and I, but to tell you the truth, we live very monotonous lives. Mike is working hard to finish up the last 3.5 weeks of school, and my life revolves a 3 hour schedule of feeding, diapers, playing, and sleeping. We do have a camping trip planned here right after finals which we are excited about.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


We went swimming for the first (hopefully of many) time with my ward's play group. She wasn't the biggest fan but the water was cold, I sort of woke her up from a nap, and she was getting hungry. Hopefully next time will be better.