So Katie has been out of town since Wednesday and will be until Friday, and I've reverted back to my bachelor ways. I figure that its my duty to remind all you married guys what it takes to live the single life again. Here is my very important list of things needed and things not needed for living without a woman.
1. A Man Place. This is a place where you can sit down all day long and do nothing. It's a place where your body melts in its sheer laziness into an inanimate object. It serves as your table, chair, study, clothes bin, and even your bed sometimes. Mine is my couch.
Now you may be asking yourself, "Is that all Sunday's dishes sitting by his Man Place?" The answer is yes. I never said that a dishwasher was needed, did I?
2. Basketball shorts. I believe this is self explanatory. It didn't take me long to remember that no other form of leg ware is needed for enjoying life.
Nobody is stopping me from going outside in basketball shorts and a polo.
3. 2% Milk. Because its so much better than 1%.
4. Pepsi. This is always a need--woman or not.
5. Food. This mostly consists of cereal.
Notice the bag on the left. That bad of Golden Puffs was full 3 days before this picture was taken.
6. Unlimited supply of popsicles. Because nothing screams, "I'm a man living alone," like dried popsicle sticks stuck on the counter.
1. Razor.
2. Toothbrush. No, no, no, I'm just joking...but seriously.
3. A made bed. Why make it when its just going to be messed up again?
Anyways, there you have it. How to be a bachelor. Its not easy work my friends.
PS. I'd like to thank all those who have kept me company during this last week. Robert and Megan Potter have done more than enough to make sure I've kept myself busy. Mark for being kinda cool. My mom for inviting me to my sister's house for dinner.