Alright Guys! This is a big day for me; its the day that I make my first blog post ever. I think I would've done it sooner had Katie given me the password. I think she was nervous for what I was going to write. I guess you could say thats kind of how our marriage runs. jk guys, jk. Anyways, I expect this post to be followed by a plethora of responses. I just got the word that there is money in the blogging buisness if you're good enough; so I'm hoping that with your help I can get sponsered and make some sweet mulah. So, I guess I'm getting to the part that I tell you about my life and show you cool pictures. Well, this semester is going to be a busy one for me. With work, being on 3 intramural teams + another stake bball team, disecting chicken embryos in the lab, volunteering on the Choose to Give executive commitee, answering constant phone calls from Michael Bond (my mentally handicapped friend from high school that just found out my phone number and calls me several times a day), planning cool weekend activities, and following BYU football recruiting, I'm one busy man. I've got more to say, but I know that people's attention spans aren't that long, so for your sakes I'll stop. Heck, I got bored just proof reading this puppy. Well, until next time. Here come the cool/funny pictures: